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RAUHFASER Fine, Medium and Rough 15,00 x 0,53 Meter

RF-SPRINT carton
RF 40_Romantic

Price: Upon request


Discount: 10% Discount from 288-Rolls order

All ERFURT-Rauhfaser types are manufactured using the same production processes and differ only in terms of the structure-forming wood fibers. Only high-quality raw materials as well as specially selected recycling paper fibers and cellulose are used for production. A cohesive textured surface is obtained through the uniform distribution of different wood fibers, depending on the type of Rauhfaser. The water required for production is used repeatedly in the circular flow and is cleared and purified prior to return to nature.


  • ERFURT-Rauhfaser can be used on all interior base surfaces suitable for wallpapering.


  • Its water vapour permeability as per DIN 52615 corresponds to a diffusion-equivalent air layer thickness of approx. 0.01 m.

  • Fire rating „B-s1,d0“ according to EN 13501-1 corresponds to „B1“ (fire-retardant) according to DIN 4102-1

  • The composite material is non-flammable on base surfaces, like plasterboard (EN A2-s1,d0).

  • Conforms to EN 234 (Specification for wallcoverings for subsequent decoration).

  • Free of PVC, solvents and plasticisers hazardous to health

  • No addition of heavy metal compounds or formaldehyde

  • Can be re-painted several times with commercially available paints

  • Conserves resources

  • Made of sustainable raw materials

  • Suitable for allergy-sufferers


Base surface: Ensure that the base surface is dry, firm, even, absorbent, clean, smooth and sufficiently even for the intended wallcovering. Remove old wallpaper and loose paint. Smooth out rough base surfaces with plaster-based filler. Prime smooth plaster with diluted paste. Prime highly absorbent base surfaces with solvent-free primer or paste. Please read BFS data sheets nos. 7 and 16.

Adhesive: Pufas: Glutolin S15, Glutolin 77, Glutolin K10

Adhesion: Cut the lengths to wall height plus a bit extra and paste the back evenly with the help of a pasting machine or by hand. Fold the individual lengths 2/3 to 1/3 with the edges together. This will prevent the wallpaper from drying out. Do not crease when folding.

Allow the paste to soak in for around 10 minutes and then apply the woodchip to your wall. Accurately position the lengths perpendicular and press into place with a wallpapering brush or rubber roller. Use scissors or a wallpapering palette knife to cut off excessive paper. Painting once dry, apply emulsion paint with minimum wet abrasion class 3 (as per EN 13300) to Rauhfaser. Special effects and techniques are also possible if desired

RF 20_Viva
RF 32_Elegance
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